What This Guide Contains Welcome to the National Families in Action Guide to Drugs and the Brain. This guide provides scientific information about the ways drugs exert their effects on the brain, change the brain, change behavior, produce addiction, and threaten health and well-being. Features include:
Commentary An overview of how drugs act on the brain.
Drug Effects Profiles of the following addictive drugs:
Alcohol Cocaine Ecstasy Heroin Ice Inhalants LSD Marijuana PCP Steroids Tobacco Other Drugs
Drug Research Summaries of scientific research about drug effects on the brain and body.
Drug Street Names An interactive database of the ever-changing names of drugs that people abuse.
Interested browsers may learn more about how drugs exert their effects on the brain in False Messengers: How Addictive Drugs Change the Brain. Written by National Families in Action’s executive director, Sue Rusche, and National Families in Action’s science advisor, David P. Friedman, Ph.D., a neuroscientist at the Wake Forest University School of Medicine, this book explains how drugs change the brain, change behavior, and produce addiciton. Click on the picture to order your copy directly from the publisher. Also available from amazon.com and barnesandnoble.com.