
National Families in Action A Guide to the Drug-Legalization Movement




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A list of people who serve or have served on the boards or advisory boards of drug-legalization organizations. Click links for individual profiles. An asterisk indicates that person no longer supports drug legalization and has requested that National Families in Action publish this information.



Annette Abrams
Michael R. Aldrich
Bruce Alexander
Steven Allen
Susan Anderson
Paul Armentano

George Baker
Geraldine Barrett
Larry Berrin
Marie-Andree Bertrand
Barry Beyerstein
Edward M. Brecher
Bill and Carol Britt
David Boaz
Julian Bond
Claudia Booker
Janiska Boudreau
Dean Breeze
Gordon Brownell
Thomas E. Bryant
Sheriff John Buckley
Anthony Burton

Jim Calvert
Gregory J. Campbell
Angela Chandler
Ramsey Clark
Scott Colvin
David C. Condliffe
Richard Cowan
Edward H. Crane, III
Bill Craven
Lou Curran

Ann Dally
John Dargan
Dawn Day

Bill Deane
Tom Dean
Luigi Del Gatto
Heather Della Rocca
Ron Dellums
Richard J. Dennis
Walter D. Dennis
Stephen W. Dillon
Rick Doblin
Hans Dohm
Melanie Dreher
Ernest Drucker
Ann Druyan
Larry DuBois
Arlene Dusel

Barbara Ehrenreich
M. Joycelyn Elders

Alan Ellis
Patricia Erikson
Frank Espada
Richard Evans

Mathea Falco
Joe Farnan
Don Fiedler
Robert E. Field
John Finlator
Frank Fioamonti
Dave Fratello
Ron Friedland
Gordon Friedman
Tommy J. Fulcher, Jr.

Marlene Gaskill
Elizabeth Gaynes

Jeffrey Gelfon
Dale Gieringer
W. Dent Gitchel
Ira Glasser

Lois Glover
Michael Glover
Irving J. Goffman
Julie and Judd Golden
Alan Goldstein
Gerald H. Goldstein
Erich Goode*
Charlotte Faye Greenberg
Hyman Greenstein
Lester Grinspoon

Ansley Hamid
Michael Harris
William Harvey
Richard Hatcher
Hugh M. Hefner
Bill Helmer
Jane Hendtlass
Mark Heutlinger
Richard Hongisto
Sher Horosko
Kevin Hunt
Bill Hutson

Michael Isaacson

Jacob Javits
Jim Jenkins
Nancy Lord Johnson
Burton Joseph
Brian Judy

Frank Kampfe
Andrew W. Kane
Alex Kaplan
Norma Elliott Kent
Rufus King
Bruce Kramer
Kris Krane
Andrew Kowl
Paul Kuhn
Paul H. Kuhn
Marc Kurzman

Lewis Lasagna
Peter Lawford
James W. Lawson
Gerald B. Lefcourt

David C. Lewis
Peter Lewis
Linda Lucks

Ed Mallett
Bruce Margolin
Bruce Marjerum
Mary Lynn Mathre
Joseph D. McNamara

Doug McVay
Jeffrey Meldon
Michael Mellion
Tria Mesalle
Gene Messina
Frederick H. Meyers
Peter Meyers
Michael Michaelson
Doug Mickelsen
Marvin Miller
Terry Mitchell
John P. Morgan
James Moore
Stewart R. Mott
Kary Mullis
Patrick C. Murphy

Ethan Nadelmann
Aryeh Neier
Robert G. Newman
Greg Niemuth

Pat O’Hare
Joseph Oteri

Max Palevsky
Nicholas Pastore

Steven D. Persky
Lewis Pitts, Jr.
Wesley Pomeroy

Robert Randall
Craig Reinarman
Paul Renard
Diane Riley

William E. Rittenberg
George Rivera
Geraldo Rivera
Laurance Rockefeller
Professor Roger Roffman
William Rollins
Marsha Rosenbaum
Marjorie A. Rosner
Vera Rubin
Frits Ruter

Carl Sagan
Ralph Salerno
Rev. Edwin Sanders
Barry Schalkle*
Kurt L. Schmoke
Carl Schnee
Larry Schott
Marsha Semuels
Wijnand Sengers
Rick Seymore
Joanne Sgro
John Shenk
Thomas E. Shipp
Richard Siegel
Alan Silber
Jane Silver
Steve Simon
Bernard Simons
Ronald Sinoway
Tim Skidmore
Nancy Smart
David E. Smith

George Soros

Benjamin Spock
John Sperling
Edith Springer

Margaret Standish
Michael Stepanian
Allen St. Pierre
Gaylord S. Strand
R. Keith Stroup
Danny Sugerman

Robert W. Sweet
James Symington
Thomas Szasz

Hunter S. Thompson
Clifford W. Thornton
Carole Tongue
Arnold Trebach
Jim Turney

J. Thomas Ungerleider

Dan Viets

Robert H. Wagstaff
Grady and Keri Wahlquist
Phil Walden
Bill Walker
Grant Wardlaw
Steven Ware
Andrew Weil
David Weiner
Dorothy Whipple
Miriam White
Jerry Wilson
Roger Winthrop
Don Wirtshafter
Steven Wisotsky
Alex Wodak
Michael S. Wolf
Michael Wolf
Richard B. Wolf
Richard M. Wolfe

Kevin Zeese
Robert H. Zeman
Anne Zill
George Zimmer
Lynn Zimmer
James Edward Zimmer
Norman Zinburg
John Zwerling



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